Kobo Naija Hub
Search and locate businesses all around Nigeria
Not just a market place. It's a business hub
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Our Services Profile (for services only) and Standard Profile (for goods only) are free now. Try it out. Add your business now

Login to Update Profile and start uploading the details that you want people to see including pictures, prices and descriptions of your products. It is that easy.

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Let your customers and your clients find you easily. It doesn't matter what business you do, buying, selling, industrial, manufacturing, hospitality, technical, services, e.t.c. So long as you have something to sell (whether goods or services) you can use this platform to attract more customers and clients. Register now

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Not every business will have displayed products. Businesses like service providers may not have any product displayed. You can also search Directory to see those type of businesses.

If you have a registered company or business, we would like to tell people about it. Login to Update Profile and verify your business. All verified companies or businesses always have this logo at the top corner of their profiles and displayed products.

Remember to always attach prices to your products (goods only). This will help buyers to quickly compare prices across offers and select a seller.

When you register your business, all the information you supplied will be used to build up your profile. Supply as much information about your business as required.

Control how you do your business. Your clients and customers will contact you directly to request quotes or more information. Once you supply your business details your clients and customers will easily reach you. Login to Update Profile and fill in you phone numbers, email address, opening times (if your address is open to the public for business), facebook, instagram, linkedin, twitter pages, etc. These will enable your clients and customers to find you easily. Remember, we do not charge any commission from whatever you sell. You keep all your money.